Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Save the Sharks!

Sunday night brought me to tears!! Momma and I watched a show about shark finning. Ever since I was born, sharks have been my all time favorite animal. 480 species of sharks, how can you not love them! I know people are like blah blah they kill people but HANG ON so do dogs, horses, lions etc etc.....

So this program was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! 70,000,000 sharks are killed each year for their fins and their carcases are just thrown back into the sea. It was their home yet now it is their grave. The worst bit is that sometimes their fins are cut off whilst they are still alive!!! HOW HORRIBLE!

I've become so upset by this and I wrote an email to Shark Trust saying how I want to help and do anything I can. Momma and I joined Sharks Trust and donated money, I feel my money will go to such a deserving place.

This video communicates the urgency of this situation far better than any words can.


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