Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Before I Die

Thing I have to do before I die....

  1. Go skinny-dipping at midnight in the South of France.
  2. Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details.
  3. Brew my own beer.
  4. Buy a round-the-world air ticket and a rucksack, and run away.
  5. Give my mother a dozen red roses and tell her that I love her.
  6. Put my name down to be a passenger on the first tourist shuttle to the moon.
  7. Eat jellied eels from a stall in London.
  8. Fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally.
  9. Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home.
  10. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia.
  11. Shower in a waterfall.
  12. Drive across America from coast to coast.
  13. Make a complete and utter fool of myself.
  14. Sleep under the stars.
  15. Go wild in Rio during Carnival.
  16. Spend Christmas on the beach drinking pina coladas.
  17. Lose more money than I can afford at roulette in Vegas.
  18. Run a marathon.
  19. Dive with sharks.
  20. Explore Antartica.
  21. Climb mount Kilimanjaro.
  22. Donate a lot of money to charity.
  23. Live with my family in Malaysia for at least one month.
  24. Donate blood.
  25. Visit the Titanic

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